Sunday, September 30, 2007

Izabella's 1st B-Day/ Targhetto Ride/ Free Bus Rides

Saturday was Izabellas 1st birthday and we had a blast:) Tons of new clothes and toys were wrapped, only to be unwrapped by us as Izzy opened a toy first and wanted nothing too do with anything else:) More photos on me flickr which is on thee side bar:)

MMMMmmmmm this stuff is purdy good, Izzy ate most of thee frosting and a little cake:)

circled by gifts:)

Sunday found Teri and I heading from the house over to Targhetto. We hadn't ridden the trail together for a long time...and Sunday was a perfect day to ride early:) Ran into a few (legal) users which was a pleasant surprise. 2 joggers and 2 riders one being John Newell. The south side of the trail is in purdy good shape....most definitely changed in its route as usual with the high waters though:) You then pop out onto the new black label of thee Trestle to Trestle trail and head to the next piece of thee Sycamore/Targhetto puzzle. This middle piece is in need of some walking love. Sticks and logs litter the inner piece to where the trail is damn near invisible...still ridable though as Teri and I had no problems....just needs a group of mates to love it for 30 minutes or so. This piece also holds the ONLY vehicle on the trail that is visable:) That is awesome....they even removed the old 40's ford from behind the quary....that I was a little disappointed in as I never got a just seem to belong. Rest of the trail is all good to go....thee tunnel is in, now awaiting to be black topped for our riding pleasures:) I hope we don't get too much rain tomorrow....damn it every time we want to ride Targhetto on the Taco Ride it fucking rains:( Here are a few photos, once again many more on me flickr.

a sad sight indeed. this is a shot of all the crap under the University bridge right off the Trestle to Trestle trail.....I'm sending a photo to Richard Brown this morning.

thee only vehicle on the trail....

tunnel is in....

Teri all the leaves:)

John Newell was out riding also.... caught up too him behind the quary...

a little log ride at Fish Camp:)

a beer break at Fish Camp:)

Also in biking related news if your ass resides in Des Moines the Metro's DART buses are giving cyclists free rides all through October, read it here! thats purdy damn sawheat....


Thursday, September 27, 2007

New CycloCross Site

Brutha Chris Locke sent me this link to his newest page for all you Cross racing fools:) All info. on Kansas City and Nebraska Cross right at your finger tips:) Hell I think I'm even going to do a little cross this year, don't really know the first thing about it.....ride bikes....simple I can do that:) Sumptner has an old 70's girls Raleigh that would make a nice single crosser...I mean shit if I'm going to do this I have too bring my own squirrelyness to it:) Westy has a freegan bike he's giving away....I think I was late to the auction but ya never know:) If your going to ride the 10-3 Taco Ride bring your lights as it will be dark by the time we get home/off thee trail:) break at the Hobbo Camp is a must:)

We had a little party last night at the Pottorff shack, I want to thank everyone for coming:) Now who's doing it next:)?

Thee baby sitter as Real put it:)


Real Deal and Marko

Chad and Izzy

Teri and I washing every dish we had......too funny....we'll be more prepare next time:)


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

North Side Sycamore is ALL GOOD:)

From the Northern end to the trestle bridge is all good, only left one log you'll have too ride, all the low hanging crap is now gone:) Thee trail was some what wet yesterday as it was raining.....thee corners are full of water as usual.....but I'm gonna ride that shit any way....quad traffic looked to be minimal too none:) How about thee Taco Ride at Targhetto on thee 3rd of October, we roll from Rassy's at 5:30 or shortly after:) Taco's can be had at Elgea Real (yes I butchered the spelling of that:) off of Beaver Ave....they serve beer and Taco Casa does not:(

Thee crew....Scott, Rob and Will....

Our first work kids...

Lots of this viney shit.....all good now mates:)

Scott tangles with thee hitch hikers.....he loses:)

another.....of many beer breaks....this is hard work ya know...

A 12pk. was consumed in front of thee QT on Merle Hay Rd....a great place to stop and refresh your riding batteries:) Thee looks we were given......were priceless:)

just a little the corners of course...

Oh my....we're done, and thee chainsaws need another cleaning:)


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Targhetto Maintenance Today....Rain or Shine:)

Rob V, Scott Sumptner, his nieghbor and I will be at thee Northern trail entrance to start clearing that biatch out:) 1pm....yea I know its early, but we'd all rather be clearing trail then working:) Speaking of chainsaw needed some....gotta love'm up just like thee trails and your bikes:)

that damn saw dust gets all over thee inside of yer saw, mixed with bar oil, dirt and anything else that chain comes in contact with. The air filter is most likely clogged with oil and dust also. A simple blowing out with air helps alot, remember thee air filter is off leaving the carb port exposed....plug thee port with a rag so no poo-poo gets in there:)Do what you know how too do, or take it in for service.....

this is what your saw should look like when cleaned:)


cutting wood dis afternoon:)


Sunday, September 23, 2007

Weekend Booyah!

Friday afterwork it was time to get the Trail Slayer out for some chop-chop time, then the chainsaw for a few downed trees, remove a bridge and then throw some rocks around.....caveman style:) We had the Prive Vandelune Memorial Ride going on Saturday and I wanted the trail to be great.....all was looking good til the damn rain hit around 5:30pm it was only a 5 minute storm, with around an .5 inches of rain:)

way back in Denmans by thee service road

Teri is training for the Dirty Duatholon, we're tag teaming it this year...Bianchi was loving the run

just have too love a well groomed trail:)

removed the fucked up little bridge, replaced with rocks....still need to fill that hole all the way up so when heavy rains come the water won't wash all away....just silt the area least in theory:)

Saturday was up at the crack of dawn to go mow a little at the Center for the Squirrels Nest TT on Sunday. After that it was time too eat then load up the BOB, 2 cases of Miller Lite was heading to the old fire pit for a mid ride break for those of us attending thee Price Vanderlune ride and braving thee some what puddly trails....all was good......most of us got muddy for a great cause and many of us went down at least once:) Some road straight to thee beer stop....gotta love Westy, Chad, Marko and Rob Verstegh:)

rolling beer wagon rides again:)

almost 50 mates showed up to help raise funds....I believe almost $1300 was raised Saturday......that is awesome:)

lead group waiting....and waiting....and waiting....before we figured everybody else must have bailed or went too thee HillSide:) A little bit muddy:)

Party at thee old fire pit...

Brutha Chad, Westy, and Johnny C....wait I see Nathen in there too:)

The ride was susposed to be back at 2pm for the raffle.....I believe we were more then a little late:) I did managed to win a sawheat ass Thompsen seat post for thee Monkey:)

Sunday was thee Time Trial....damn good time...I ended up with 3rd over all....little brutha Andy beat me by 7 little bastard:) Cam took the win with more then 40seconds on me...... thanks too everyone who showed up to raise even more money for the Vanderlunes and for our trails:)


Looken fast but not feeling it....

Basso hot on me tail:)

after party at the shop....Rasmussen Bike Shop that is...

"I'll drink this beer and still kick yer ass Squirrely" damn Cam is serious when drinking too.....lighten up bro:)

Local legend Chris Maharry the man behind the race:) Love ya brutha:)

Many more photos can be found here for both days events...more of the time trial here thanks to Steve Fry. I'm sure there are more out in intraspace.....I'll post links when I find them....I know Justin should have some good shots also. I found them....Squirrels Nest TT and the Price Vanderlune Ride


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Sundays Squirrels Nest Time Trail Info/ Saturdays Price Vandelune Fund Raiser Info./A Little Greasy Riding

The IMBCS season finale, IMBCS #7 – `Squirrels Nest' is coming up
this Sunday, September 23! Due to the urban sprawl that is taking
place on top of the old Sycamore Trail, race director Chris Maharry
found it necessary to change the location after 7 years. The new
course is going to be at the old Science Center Trails and is being
designed by trail building maestro, Squirrel, so you know it's going
to be a killer course! This is the 8th edition of the time trial and
local mountain biking legend / race director Chris Maharry always
seems to come through in creating a great event that is both fun and
challenging for all skill levels.

The skinny: registration opens at 9:00. The cost is a measly $25 for
all participants. The first rider will start at 10am sharp with
riders starting at one minute intervals.

The start / finish area will be located near Greenwood Park, there
will be plenty of parking available at the Ashworth Pool parking lot
and along 45th St.

As always, there will be a ton of schwag and most people, if not
everyone, will go home with something other than their dirty bikes.

Directions to Ashworth Pool parking lot. Take Interstate 235 through
Des Moines, take the 42nd St exit and head south on 42nd St until
you get to Grand Ave. Turn right (west) on Grand Ave. until you get
to 45th St. Turn left (south) on 45th St and continue south on 45th
St. 45th St. ends at Ashworth Pool. Park your car and get ready to
rip it up on some of the best mountain biking trails that Iowa has
to offer! I've also attached a map located in the files section of
the IORCA Yahoo Group Site

All proceeds generated from this race will be donated to CITA
(Central Iowa Trail Authority) and the Price Vandelune Memorial
Fund. Both are great causes! Without CITA, all of the trails at the
Science Center wouldn't exist. A lot of hard work goes into
maintaining the great trails that we have to enjoy throughout the

For those of you that don't know what had happened to Chad and
Dorothy Vandelune, they had an 8 month old son, Price, that passed
away on September 5. Kim West and a few of Chad and Dorothy's
friends have been kind enough to set up a fund raising campaign to
help Chad and Dorothy cover some of the expenses.

The board members of the IMBCS also would like to welcome all
participants and their families to join us at Rasmussen Bike Shop,
located at 301 Grand Ave in West Des Moines (east of the Science
Center) following the conclusion of the race for the Squirrel's Nest
awards presentations and also for the IMBCS series awards
presentations. There will be free food provided from Jason's Deli in
West Des Moines and possibly free beer (were still working on the

Questions? Race Director Chris Maharry can be contacted at: 515-577-

You are all also encouraged to join us this Saturday for another fund raiser for the Price Vandelune Memorial Fund at the Science Center. This will be a great opportunity to ride with some of the coolest people around and also to pre-ride the course for Squirrel's Nest! Details are as follows:

Something Rad for Price, Dorothy and ChadA community off-road ride and fundraiser for the Price Vandelune MemorialFundDear fellow bike riders:We were all saddened by the untimely passing of Price Vandelune onWednesday, September 5, 2007 and would like to take the opportunity toinvite you to join in an off-road celebration this Saturday, September 22 atnoonon the beautiful Science Center off-road trail system.We will meet at Ashworth Pool, 45th & Grand, Des Moines, and embark upon aleisurely, fun and joyous celebration of life, friendship and trails. TheRasmussen truck will be there with tent and tunes and homemade lemonade andcookies will be for sale!We invite the participation of the bike riding community and request atleast a $20 donation to the Price Vandelune Memorial Fund. All $20 donationswill be entered in a raffle for these incredible donations:

1. Oakley has been kind enough to donate an autographed pair of glasses(across the lens) from Pro Tour Rider Bobby Julich and a pair of fashionglasses, too (need not be present to win).2. Topeak Prepstand from Barr Bike! (Must be present to win) 3. CyclesGladiator (bottle of merlot from Ethan at Fleur Wine & Ale, it has a bikeand a naked lady on the label) (Must be present to win)4. FOUR 22oz Fat Tire Ales (New Belgium Brewery also from Ethan at FleurWine & Ale) (Must be present to win)5. Professional 30-minute swim lessons from ISU's former coach at AmesRacquet and Fitness. (Must be present to win)6. Arbonne sunscreen product (Must be present to win)Please note, this ride is at your own discretion and the organizers aredoing this as a community event to honor the friendship of all bike ridersand enjoy the afternoon together.Join us or donate by stopping at Rasmussens Bike Shop to buy a ticket(s) ORmailing a check to the Price Vandelune Memorial Fund, (First American Bank,Des Moines, IA.) The Orphanage Attn: Kim West, P.O. Box 13133, Des Moines,IA 50310. (Please note your desire to entered in the raffle when mailingchecks).Questions:Marc Hollander:
marcthollander@gmail.comRob Versteegh: oakleyiowa@mchsi.comThanks for your time, kind thoughts and support for our friends in theirtime of need.Regards,Marc T. Hollander & Rob Versteegh

Yesterday Johnny, Chad, Andy and I hit the Squirrels Nest course to get a feel:) Hillside, and Roller Coaster where in good shape with a few greasy spots....I was thee first to go down in a greasy corner right after the last creek crossing on Roller Coaster:) After hitting thee course it was time for a break so we headed to thee old fire pit by the river. A few minutes of bs'ing and we thought we'd hit up Squirrels Nest.....the first piece was purdy greasy, we questioned turning around but said fuck it....and rolled on like giddy little boys:) "Sometimes you have to break thee rules" Do as I say, not as I do type shit ya know:) While we were flying through thee Nest Johnny took a good greasy spill infront of us, we rolled on out to the Rabbit Trail heading towards Denmans.....just as I was going to roll by thee exit my now single Monkey wanted some more giddy goodness, turning down thee trail leading my bruthas on another slip sliding away ride:) Here is where Chad nearly went down although I think this was due too all the damn walnuts/buckeye's on the trail....we have a bumper crop this year...of both:) Denmans going backwards keeps you purdy clean.....the really only shitty part of the trail is the piece from Little Italy too the entrance.....and thee puddles are full so if'n your going to ride.....stay on the fucking trail.....ride through the puddle not around the damn thing..... widening the tread pissess me off:( I would say by Friday afternoon the trail will be in good shape with the usual puddle spots that take awhile to dry up.

Chad, Andy and Johnny.....

thee creek was running good:)

break time at old fire pit..

in Denmans..

I had to hose off outside:)

Peace and see your asses this Weekend:)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Word isn't OUT just yet:)

Some of you will be seeing these images very soon:) Prepare to be light headed, out of breath, with a little lactic build up:) We RAGE this weekend:)
