Just like thee old Child's Play when I first built it....all log with a pucker factor..
looking from thee exit....I need to finish it out but for now its gonna have to do.
Fresh! 5ft. tall at thee highest point, 40ft long....I highly recommend having your shit together if your going to ride the new Child's Play. Rythem is open for those who haven't been back there in awhile. I cut through a couple of the logs and changed the line slightly from those that have been riding it. No hunting yesterday...to damn nice....I'm riding this afternoon....are you?:)
Kyle's handy work in Denmans...need to tamp the center log though:)
right on brother...nice handy work. looks like fun. where is that at? i see it's somewhat close to the tracks.
Oh yea, might have to take a drive that way this weekend. That baby looks like fun although the bump in the middle at the high point could be a problem.
You are an evil genius. Did you do the new skinny in Denmans too?
Squirrels Nest....right before the spot where the old Child's Play used to be.
Troy the bump rolls nice...you'll have no problems:)
brian..nope that was Kyle Sedor...and that is a piece of cake compared too Child's Play:)
I was 3/4 across the long skinny, when she started shimmy'ing. At that point, I dubbed her "the long legged bitch"
Sweet. More stuff to embarass myself on while trying to ride. :)
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