Wednesday, November 21, 2007

2007 First Tracks:)

Tomorrow is going to be a blast! Went for a quicky, cut first tracks through half of Denmans:) See ya'll in da morning:)

Dusting my Ass:)



Pete Basso said...

Yesterday it was 75 and sunny in St. Louis where I was, today...29 and snow, lots of it. I spent a majority of the day driving thru this crap, now I'm ready to ride in it. There is a bunch of us meeting at Starbucks in HyVee on Grand tomorrow morn @ 6:15 for coffee then on to the Turkey Day ride. Love to have you show up a little early if possible!

Chris said...

White Thanksgivings are always fun. You and the family have a great Holiday.

Anonymous said...

I rode to work yesterday before it snowed. Was going to take the bus home, then thought I'd ride. Afterall, only an inch or two. It kept on getting deeper as I went west. Got 1st tracks through j11. Fell off the 1st bridge going west, but cleaned the last 50feet (over the log and through the rocks). Had to be close to 5 inches out in clive. I was so worked, I can't make it for turkey ride. Hope you had fun.

2drunk2shift said...

you guys are hardcore. I feel like such a pussy when it comes to cold riding. I usually just whine and go running in the winter. And we don't even really get snow here in V.B.

the original big ring said...

Nice! We got hit yesterday and today too. Haven't been out riding yet though.

Should be on the xc and skate skis this weekend though! Whoot!