Friday, October 26, 2007

Frank Speaks Caveman

Cross referencing cyclists, or the difference in the disciplines too damn funny not too read:)



Travel Gravel said...

Squirrel, I see some of you in all of those. Libra/balance thing probably. I'm part old school mountain biker, part endurance racer. Funny shit! Later!

Frank Brigandi said...

Thanks squirrel. I left out the oart about the bike polo /Jim Jones-esque folliwng it has... maybe another time eh?

Ps; I only use eh? during hockey season.

Neve_r_est said...

Frightening. I fit perfectly into the description of the CXer, as do all of the CXer I've met. Not too sure about the 24hour description. If a 24hour mtber is a nympho of cycling what's an ultra road rider equate to? None of my bikes are clean.