I ate no lunch..... then prior to the FR ride I have 2 New Castles and 2 Boulvard Pale Ales. Running late to meet with
DQ,Tom,Nathen and
The Mostly Reverend Westy all the while feeling like I just got smoked by a Train Wreck, we head south side for some hills. This only intencifies me buzz to an almost uncontrolable wobble of riding skillz you'd likely see only from a
Ragbrai Bagger:) Upon reaching SW 9th & Park Ave I make the wise descion to bail on the rest of the ride and wobble my ass to some pave trail where I'd feel
safe. Now in a comfort zone....or just a daze....I'm thirsty as hell....forgot me water bottle....but have one more beer in me MB...I stop only to take a couple of swigs.. quenching the hunger for liquid my body so desires. I made it home without incident....the Traveler did her job well....Hell Yeah!!:) I know your all glad I'm safe:) I believe there is a gravel ride going on tonight...I can't make it...gonna keep Izzy busy while Teri throws down some yoga:) Great ride lastnight mates.....next time I'll try and hang at least to the first stop:)

That little white dot is the full moon....twas nice out lastnight:)

Whats Up....biatch

DQ....a blazen

A little maintenence stop
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