Grandma Beadle, Izzy and I, and me mums Tula Adams
It was great to finialy get Izzy down to the home town too see her Great Grandma. I'm sure Grandma Beadle will be talking about it for quite awhile. To our surprise my Uncle Ronnie, Uncle Bud, and Aunt Linda all showed up too.
Hit the trails Sunday morning with The Swine King, Loushous, and Basso...our buddy Wild Bill was susposed to come but due too a crash on Childs Play on Thursday afternoon he was unable to man up too the ride:) Just kidding Billy:) Looped up the Center then I bolted for some recon....I ended up in the bottoms of BW.....3 hrs of good riding....can I get an AMEN!!

A Pig...

and 3 Monkey's

In the bottoms of BW
Sunday afternoon Teri,Izzy and I headed over to the Hansers for the Babies, Brats & Beer fall party. A good time was had, 5 babies and one in the oven still....Thanks again for a great time Ryan.

Seasonal Brew

Izzy and I with me wanna be facial hair....I told ya I have a baby face

Our host Ryan in the orange:) with Annie Basso, Heather, Teri and Izzy, little Ava, and Petey

A room full of babies and happy parents with bevies:)
A fine fridge-o-brew! I saved the pic just to remember a few new choices.
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