Do you know who I am?????
When I moved back to Des Moines from Golden,Co my first job was a West Des Moines Custodial Technichian (a fucking janitor). My hours were 3pm-midnight, so my afternoon was midnight to 4am or so. My lust for saddle time was very fresh back then and I would tool around the city in its street light hue for hours...in behind every building, down every alley way, there litterally was no place I wouldn't take my steed. This is one of the many reason I love to ride a bike...on the bike there are no rules, no bounderies, just you and an endless tread too go tear up. The last few days have brought me back to the good ole' days, a new beginning, a spark for my fire, wondering aimlessly as I ride too find new slices of heaven:)
Lastnight was no different as I'm tooling around trying to hook up the littlest of dirt ribbons for a epic of sorts. I'm looking for an entrance to ride... low and behold up pops a Chea Chad,

cross commuter style that is,

and out from his pack......pops a bubblen brew:) YUMMY BUDDY!!

after leaving the first photo, I came though this little dirt ribbon

and over this little slice of rock single, only to run into Chad....now tell me the cycling gods weren't looking down today:)
More urban recon happening tonight...see you soon Chad:)
I'm on the mtb tonight. Hope the rain holds out.
wouldn't it be really cool if it rained......beer!!
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