John making hand gestures with his excitement

Teri riding the tressle bridge

A Wild Bill was also seen on this ride. Bill is in town this weekend bird hunting with his father.....we maybe doing a Sunday morning ride together so if ya want to see Wild Billy you'd best come:)
Teri was riding with a vengence.....I think something happened after birthing a baby naturally....... "I can fucking do anything now" attitude has been awakened:) You rock baby!!
Up-Chuck has built a teeter-todder for Boone too..... YOU MOTHER FUCKERS ROCK TOO!!
Squirrel, thought you might like to see this: http://bikeforums.net/showthread.php?p=3351345&posted=1#post3351345
thread bout bike tattoos, one guys has them everywhere you can think of.
Sunday morning with Bill? Awesome... I'm there. What time?
Squirrel let us know what time on Sunday love to see Bill again
Thanks baby! It felt SOOOO good to be back in the saddle after 9 months. Riding with my hubby and my two bros JC and Gov It was awesome. I can't wait to get back out!!!!!!!!!!
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