jumper cables and a fashionable bag to carry them with at the expense of this woman. Some might just think that is plain ole not right, while the simple folks like meself see it as just fine. I'm sure I know who will be removing all of this poor ladies shit out of the field, not her...although its said to be her responsibility. After reading some of the garbage mail most of which came from "The Department of Corrections", I'm sure the last thing on her mind is her garbage and a burnt car....catch me drift.
Went out to see an old friend that just happens to be homeless and has lived by our trails well since before I met him 6yrs ago. Greg is a pretty cool ole fart, rides his bikes everywhere, picks up cans from around the junction, mows a few yards for extra cash, don't drink, rolls his own smokes, and reads anything and everything he finds. Aghh the simple things in life. HG (homeless Greg) comes into the shop sometimes for tubes and what not so Greg Rasmussen helps him out with some free goods when he can. That's pretty cool. Here is a pic of camp HG

HG and my buddy Ray Vaughn shoot'n the shit.
Since the first time I met HG I've always envied him for the simple life he lives. All the things that most of us today couldn't live without, ole HG just dumpster dives and takes what he needs or will use and gets by just fine. Be thankful for what ya have mates:) Speaking of thankfulness my next tattoo is along the lines of being thankful, gonna look something like this.

replace initials with Thankful and you have it.
I'm riding tonight after the shop closes if anybody wants to join.
Free is for me!
Are you riding in the snow, brother? Snow on April 25; crazy...
dig it dude.
be thankful for sure.
great post.
Great tat Squirrel, now that's a tat I can come to grips with...(pun intended). Thankful everyday for all we have and for my father above!!
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