Friday, April 28, 2006

$100 bucks.....Fuck You Bush!!

Thank you Johnny!

Annie agrees, hope she don't come down here and kick my ass for stealing this picture off her blog:)

Any other thoughts on this lame ass situation?? I am not the only feeling this I???



annie said...

No, you're not alone. I saw that and spent about half an hour yelling to my co-workers about it. What the hell is that going to solve? Everyone will get a couple tanks of free gas, which will last two weeks, and then everything will be the same it was before, except the government will be out a shitload of money that it doesn't have to spare right now, and then some asshat senator will say "no one could have anticipated this budget shortfall." Stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard. Free money, vote Republican!

Unknown said...

Free money, vote Republican... so we can drill for Alaskan oil.

Annie you kick ass girl.


Anonymous said...

Jeez, don't get me started on this...

My solution is to ride, walk or take public transit everywhere, as much as possible. I live smack dab in the middle of one of the largest cities in the US, so I realize it's easier for me than it might be forothers. But overall, I think everybody can look at reducing their motor vehicle use.

$100.00 for every American to buy gas? Sounds like an oil company subsidy to me. How 'bout windfall taxes on the oil companies instead?

annie said...

Squirrel, you nutjob, about half my blog hits today have been from this post. I had to come back over here to see what the heck was going on, and what do I see but my own pink Peep coat! Glad I got the house number cropped out of that one...

Unknown said...

Annie I just couldn't help me self. Dats a hot pic.:)


cvo said...

I havn't heard anything about this yet?

got any links to some news?

$100 bucks hu,

purdy stupid, but, I do need some bike parts, hope I can put it towards that.

or is it gonna be a check to a gas station. then I'll just have to buy beer, and jerkey. 100 dollars worth..

Ryan and family said...

The $100 rebates are the sugar coating on legislation that would also open part of Alaska's Arctic refuge to oil and gas exploration, among other things...

Happy Friday!

shawnkielty said...

It's infuriating that. Like I need a hundred bucks for gas. It would be nice if it wasn't so insulting.

grocery store == 4 miles
cafe == 14 miles
work and back == 19 miles
Decent restaurant = 12 miles

All in one trip == 19 miles


The Old Bag said...


$100 will do




besides add to the deficit

Anonymous said...

I think it's worth pointing out that the Democrats' response has been to suggest suspension of federal fuel taxes. In a way, it's kind of the same thing the Republicans are suggesting, and in no way addresses the core problem (unless you believe the problem really is "gouging").

At any rate, I'm looking to make something positive out of this sleazy election year maneuver. If this thing passes (which is doubtful), I'll offer $200 in store credit toward the purchase of a nice commuter bike in exchange for a signed $100 fuel assistance check.