Hiked from our shop down to 4 mile creek, then I simply just played around for an hour walking the banks watching all the critters. Ended up gone for about an hour and a half total....whoops:) Ride home was good, ran into a very old friend in Carney that I hadn't seen in years....who's nick name back in the day was Squirrel....funny. Another snow shoeing hike will be on the books today, not riding home though. I believe Rick is riding tonight somewhere, he'd mentioned Denmans....I wouldn't recommend it myself. 3 weeks today clean of beer...I've only lost 3lbs...but that will soon be changing. February will bring some intense changes in what will be a more structured work outs...I'm trying to wrap my head around it again....I seem to be shifting for the better of my fitness.
3# is a start buddy, and ya gotta start somewhere. good luck! hello to the family....
Tough to lose much when you're a skinny guy who doesn't weigh much to begin with man!
Definitely riding tonight somewhere for a couple hours. Thought I'd try Denman's just to see if we can get a line through. Looked like the trail might be packed down enough from what we saw Sunday. Otherwise, probably doing black label loops.
hey, check out my post
about riding klunkers to klunkerz friday night.
i hope to see YOU there, nutz-man.
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