Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Unofficial Hot Lap in Denmans

Went out last night with the intention of giving Denmans Woods my first Quarter Rage effort. You know just to see if I could still hold my own in these woods I love so much. Started out at the shop for my pre-race beer, chatted with Rob V and Sterling for a bit then headed to the track. Intentions were to do a warm up lap then a throw down lap. A little windy last night for sure on the open spots, but the woods were railing fast....not much of anything resembling a acorn or walnut on the tread now.
Long story short....I only did one lap as I couldn't hold back at all with the RAGE playing on my Ipod. I rolled through the f-line with a 19:08 time, I can tell you that 18's can be had. I wasn't running full throttle but I did almost puke trying to hack up a resin loogie:) Now with a smile on my face knowing that the old man still has a short game. I sent the news via text to those young'ns out there on top of this little game of ours....just to let them know they'll need to pick it up some more if'n they want to own these woods!

Quarter Rage will be postponed to thee 17th, after last nights rains.



Neve_r_est said...

Sneaky bastard ;)


kc said...

i didn't see you at center last night, now i see why.
quit practicing...you don't need any help. =)

Steve Fuller said...

Nice to see that the old men still have it. :) Good job

Pete Basso said...

There's a reason they call you Squirrel.