This is my God Damn I Feel Good face:) Johnny and I threw down 2hrs of sidewalk single track last night, then once I got home I changed shoes and jumped on the stepper for an intense 20min step running burn....Hell I felt so damn good when I got home I almost went for a run outside instead of stepping.....just like ole' times. Gonna get out again tonight....want some??
Now this photo is for all of you mommy and daddies out there with children in between 12months and 24months old....Izzy has had a cough for the last 5 know the one that keeps not only her, but you up most of the night....this is the age when your child can't take cough medicine...... and doctors can't do anything for you either except take your copay and send you on your way $30 dollars lighter in your wallet...well here is where Buck Wheat Honey comes in....only $7 bucks and we tried it last WORKED!! I was up once around 11pm gave here another teaspoon and Izzy sleep like a baby should til 5am:) So there you have it mates...HONEY is your and your babies sleeping savior:)
I can't make it out tonight, but I'd be good for a few hours first thing in the morning if you're up for it.
I'll be outta town in the morning...perhaps Sunday ehy?
Works for me. Shoot me a call.
i read this post, and it rang warning bells. the nat'l institute of health HAS issued a warning against giving honey to kids under one year.
here's a google search for "honey young children infants" --
check out some of the articles listed, okay?
its all good Rev....that is why I stated between 12mnths and 24....Izzy is can also find that warning label on every can, jar, bear or container of usaul thanks for your concern:)
Dude, I look at that pic of you and think you could be cast in the sequel to "American History X" All you need now is the wife beater and a swaztika, (sp??)
dude, that moose pillow kicks ass!
Honey tastes a damn sight better, too.
I suppose this isn't where I should be admitting that my mom used to give us a teaspoon of peppermint schnapps as a sore throat remedy when I was a youngster. Not as young as Izzy, though. I can actually remember it, so I had to have been 5+ Probably not Pediatrician Recommended procedure these days, though :)
sorry. there it is right in front of me. i'm off the vicodin now, so the haze is burning away.
all is good, mr and mrs squirrel, all is good.
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