Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Whewy....What A Long Weekend

I'll have some photos sometime this week. I need to get caught back up here at the day job first. The Tri weekend was a great time, lots of folks kicked some butt...I must say the greatest part of the weekend was watching the over weight amuaters finish....this was truely amazing.

And then I read about this shit: Taken from Rev. Westy

THIS SHIT AIN'T RIGHT! [with comments]
Driver nearly hits officer directing triathlon traffic
[well, fuck me. NEARLY hits?--the rev.]
June 18, 2007
A Des Moines police officer reports
he had to jump out of the way
[ask collier and sergey if THEY had such a chance!--the rev]
to avoid being hit by a motorist during Sunday's Hy-Vee Triathlon.
[by the way, any charges filed related to the pedestrian
who entered the course and caused a cyclist to crash?--the rev.]
Officer Xavier Barron suffered a bruised right hand.
[what? no broken back?--the rev.]
Jennifer Adkins, 36, of Des Moines,
was arrested on a charge of assault with a motor vehicle.
[where the hell did they find THIS law?
a CAR? well, i'll be damned.--the rev.]
Barron said in a report that Adkins approached the intersection
of Sixth Avenue and Mulberry Street on Sunday afternoon
and was ordered to stop.
Barron told her Mulberry was closed for the triathlon
and she would have to take a different route.
She claimed another officer told her she could drive on Mulberry.
[gee. imagine THAT happening at the triathlon,
right jane, and a 100 other runners?--the rev.]
Barron said he told her twice that it was closed.
"She then accelerated her motor vehicle
attempting to drive around the squad car," the officer said in his report.
"I had to jump out of the way to avoid being struck by the car.
My right hand struck the windshield in the process."
[did the windshield break? did your watch get stuck in the grill?--the rev.]
Two customers of US Bank came to the officer's aid
and provided witness statements.
[and you took their statements?--the rev.]
Other officers stopped Adkins in the 600 block of SW MLK Jr., Parkway
and took her into custody.
[you can DO that for assault with a motor vehicle?
again, i'll be damned.--the rev.]
. . . . .
1--no "charges are pending?"
2--no "officers will be talking to the county attorney?"
3--no "investigation continues?"
4--no "condition of the injured has not been released?"
and tell me again why it's WRONG that i get pissed off
when this shit happens????
now, don't get me wrong:
i have NO issues with cops telling drivers to take another route,
and i am not condoning disobeying a lawful order.
i am not unsympathetic with the police
and the dangers they encounter on a daily basis.
my son-in-law is a cop, and i am QUITE cognizant of these dangers.
but this charging inconsistency is
blatant, outrageous BULLSHIT!
and the timing is just plained fucked up.
what bothers ME is
the spinelessness of prosecutors
when they are faced with charging MOTORISTS
who hit and/or kill bicyclists.
. . . . .
am i wrong?
am i alone?


I'm meeting with my lawyer on Wed. about my case of being rear ended!

Peace, Good Day, & Be Safe


the mostly reverend said...

as i prepare to ride my bike to atlantic friday to attend the funeral of a bicyclist
rear-ended and KILLED
by a 77 year-old moron
going the SAME way
on a FLAT stretch of road
at NOON this past sunday.
sound all too familiar?
"investigation continues" my ass!


it's not a jungle out there,
it's a battle field.

Unknown said...

"its a battle field"

and cyclists are just mere soldiers of misfortune...

Anonymous said...

wow. a bruied hand gets somebody taken into custody, but two guys nearly killed does not? whew.

yo, squirrel, I'll have to share some of my "overweight finisher" photos from marathons. SIZE COUNTS! ha. ha. ha. awesome for downhills anyway. have a safe day!

~gomez~ said...

Yo Squirrel,

Big Wheel Ballyhoo?

Me Too,


the original big ring said...

Over on 36/16 site an author talks about the numbers of British soliders killed in Iraq/Afganistan compared to the number of cyclists/pedistrians killed this year. Fucking crazy . . . and which do you think gets more publicity?
Fucking stupid drivers.