Then on the way home she flew off the jeep while going 75mph down the freeway nearly causing a pile up in rush hour traffic..... she died fast I would say....and thankfully nobody and no vehicals where injured in this freak accident....so good bye my love....I saved you only too ride you once then put you to rest...a sad day indeed.....:(

Looking for a new girl over the weekend.....:(
Holy Crap!! That reminds me of the time when Conlans bike almost fell off the Jeep on the way to the Waverly race. Sorry to see her die, but I'm glad she went quick and painlessly.
I wouldn't share this information with any new girls until the relationship is fairly well established... Bummer dude!
OH SHIT!! Still, better than rotting in that ditch. And it got one last ride before it died.
I seem to be accumulating a pile of frames like that, broken that is.
Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all...
Wow, I guess it really wasn't meant to be.
But just too funny to think of traffic going ape-shit behind you dodging that bike!
how tragic. glad no one was hurt. criminey.
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