The brutha in yellow would be our local cycling legend Chris Maharry & the brains behind the Circus. As you can see in the next photo pizes are always good at the TT, and this year they took some burnt speakers out of one of the many burned vehicles for first place mens/womans trophies:)

I really wanted that bottle of Vodka:) but me finishing time wouldn't bring this want to reality:)

classic trophies, ones to keep around, and much, much more better than a 50cent piece of shit medal:)
After signing up Chad, Johnny and I went out for a pre-lap. The bottom line on this course is.....its flat and fast as hell.... if you have some road miles in those legs your making the top 10:) Gearing your SS right is a must....I did not have a tall enough gear or fitness too win, but I did have a dress:) After the pre-lap lots of boys started flirting with me, a couple of my teamates (Cam and Basso)couldn't keep their hands off this fine piece of man ass, Petey wanted to check my package out...you silly boy:)

We started the race at 10am with minute intervals between riders with the single speed mates going last....me in dead last of the 8 or so. So I had plenty of time to get a high life down my throat before my running of the circus:) Teri and Izzy came for a little while so we could show most all of our cycling mates our little precious, then they we're off to Grandmas house:) There we're only 2 mates that I was thinking could beat me today and they did, Jay Chesterman running a 46x18 and Kyle Sedor running ?? who knows what on his darthvader cross bike. This course doesn't cater to my slack ass riding style by no means, but is just a riot to support:) I would tell you the results but I didn't pay much attention to those details other than Cam won the fucking thing as usual and I placed 3rd in the SS class.....scored me a sweet Budwieser Helmet Cap with Tassels to go with the rest of me head ortament collection which I will post someday....because it is just rediculous. Nobody left without a prize or two or three. After the race we headed over to Maharrys place of some type of Thai vegan food that was purdy damn tasty and many beers as seen in photo below.

Full results found here
Needless to say I had a few too many beers and needed a nap when I got home:) To all that came too race and all who helped with it.....many thanks for a good fucking time as usual:) Next up is the Des Moines Dirty Duatholon....I am so gonna hurt after this:)
Peace Out
I was a great time, and a heck of a deal for 20 bucks. I didn't see anybody that wasn't smiling.
I scored the Jose Quervo from the prize table. It helps to be old :)
Missed the circus, but got to ride in Austin... Now I'm stuck in LA. Enjoy the soup ;)
man, that looks like fun.
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