Friday turned into a very windy day, although we had 25mph gusts I went out any way with good intentions of bagging a doe. My stand location for a north wind was good, I was walking back to my stand and about 20ft. from it I saw some does heading my way. I hate to shoot from the ground as everything has to be perfect, I ducked behind a good sized tree and knocked an arrow waiting. The first doe came by to fast, so I waited for the next 2 as they came within range I slowly started to draw me bow but the first doe busted my movement and they boogied....damn it I would have only been in the woods 12min with my first doe of the year hadn't I been busted...oh well.
Up in the stand I go, around 4:20 I see a large doe and 2 yearlings coming. Once again I grab my bow and wait for the shot. They are coming in on a 20yrd trail...perfect...she gets in the shooting lane....I draw.....I shoot.....I shot under her....WTF!!! A 20yrd shot is something I can do in my sleep, all I could think is I didn't time the swaying of the tree correctly. I missed my chance but there will be plenty more:) I did get a photo of a young doe just milling around underneath my stand, these animals truly are beautiful:).....oh and good to eat!

Sterling Circus report to come later today:)
Good man. Take those does when you can early on. You can soak those damn antlers all you want, you still can't eat 'em! You can "skin a buck or run a trot line..."!
how long u been bow hunting?
Midz- Amen brutha...bambi's are good eats, just not for long:)
Syd- this year is my 9th, I've been hunting since I was about 5yrs old. I grew up south of Des Moines in a small farming commutnity, still go down every year to hunt my dads land.
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