Yesterday Teri, Bianchi and I went for a hike through Denmans looking for some antler sheds and too cut down a low hanger on the trail. We didn't find any antlers which is ok cause I have like 20 of them collecting, when we got to the tree I was like shit..... its bigger then what I remember. I brought the hand saw which I wasn't going to work that hard when I can bring the chainsaw down at a later time and get it out. So I made a small incision on the top just enough that all the weight on the top end of the tree busted it. Raised the hanger about 3ft, which Petey should be able to get under easily now. After this we just stumbled through the woods laughing at Bianchi and her infatuation with coon shit:) Thought we might see some dumbasses out on the trail as it was a nice day to ride just not on the trail, still in the freeze thaw mode. We didn't see anyone so we boogied it back home to watch "Walk the Line" damn good movie. I'm going to turn all my bikes into single speeds now with all this talk about NORBA I won't be needing any gears:) I have nothing against NORBA, I can't justify buying a license for only 5 or 6 races. With Teri being pregnant and not being able to race with me this year I'm thinking I've been in the shit for 10years now I'll take a few years off of rage'n and just do what I love to do.....RIDE! So its SS'n all the way kiddies.

Teri and Bianchi

We look so good together:)

Damn, I'm lazy where's the chainsaw
What do you mean by "I'm going to turn all my bikes into single speeds now with all this talk about NORBA I won't be needing any gears:)"?
You have to have an annual licence to race expert in the NORBA races, no one day's for experts. I'm not spending the $$ for the license too only race 5 or 6 races, so I'm SSing it this year. I'll keep the gears on my FS.
Can you say "SANDBAGGER"?
Sandbagger!!!! There I did it:) Now can you say it biatch! Your only a sandbagger only if you finish/cross the finish line first way the fuck ahead of everybody esle. My training (yeah what training) this year is just riding, I haven't once sat my ass on the INDOOR DEVIL. Don't think that thought hasn't crossed my mind, but I have a plan:)
Ha Ha, I knew you would like that one. Actually I'm glad we will be racing the same class again. We had some good races back in the Sport days. Judging by all the riding you've been doing it looks like you will be the one handing it to me this time around.
Congrats on the upcoming addition to the family. And in this corner, The Sly Sqirrel AKA The Baby Maker.
That's so friggin weird, Carrie and I just watched "I walk the line" on Sunday. One of the guys in the shop works part-time at Hollywood Video and borrowed a copy for a couple of days. So we got the sneak video preview.
Congrats on the impending bambino!
Thanks to the both of ya.
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