Out with da old

In with da new
This weeks cycling folk art pic. is of my first road bike front wheel. I bought the bike at a pawn shop for dirt cheap, road it around the neighborhood to get the feel of this skinny tire rig for the mornings commute to work. Upon leaving the house I made it about 8 blocks when an older man from out of state pulled right into my path as I was rolling at 25mph to make the green light. T-boned the front quarter of older guys car, then threw me 30ft. over the median on top of another car going the other direction busting his windshield, bounceing off this rig with plenty of momentum I hit and damage yet another car stopped at the light, where I finially come to rest on the ground.... thinking WTF just happened? Compound fracture to my left tibia and a year of healing with a bone growing thing strapped to my side. SUCKY!

My soon to be next tattoo lie's in this picture
Squirrel - They say everything happens for a reason, but all that just for a tattoo?
floor looks good dude, congrats
Once again, very weird. We just got flooring put in this week and some new slat wall on the new shoe room. I think we were seperated at birth.
Do you own the joint, or what?
Nope... just a fucking shop rat, live'n the good life:)
you're going to get a tattoo of a flourescent light...?
it's your body man...whatever...!
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