Street Muscle

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Sat. dirt with da boy's, Johnny C, Chad Vanderlune and I met at 7am for a couple laps of froozen dirt at the Center. Some dumbasses have been out riding on the not so froozen trail and fucking it up pretty bad, I was trying not to let that screw up my mental on my ride although its tough when your a steward of the trail and you know its your ass that will be out there this spring fixing it. We ran into a ton of locals: Pistol Pete, Cosmo, Wild Bill, Chuck, Jane, Bruce, Jim Logan, Taylor Webb and a couple more I can't remember. Threw down 24.5 today in just over 2hrs.
Today (Sunday) its hit the dirt in oh about 5hrs it looks like, I have no idea why I'm up right now its 1:48am I couldn't sleep obviously. After the ride I'm heading to Rassy's and we're putting in a new floor, that wooden snap stuff its going to classy the place up alot. A pic. of Donny's area already done, with a little bit of the old tile floor also.

Brian, see you at the Center in about 45 mins.
this weekend I think I will make the final steps at putting together my latest fixie project
been a few years for me and the fixie
for me
it will be a basic cruising machine
something to mix up the same old everyday routes
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