Our new french press....a new addiction is born!, originally uploaded by Squirrels Cycling Lyfestyle.
Why oh why is it that everything I've been addicted to isn't cheap....now I'll be spending all the fucking beer savings on good coffee.....mmmmmm:) Home today with a sick Izzy...and she's addicted to Mickey Mouse movies..
So, you went to work how many days this week? Must be rough.
Hope Izzy feels better.
now, you're gonna have to go out and purchase a quality conical burr grinder for those good beans-- then you're probably going to toy with the idea of home roasting... you're right, addictions aren't cheap. hope you are drinking it black- take care.
I bought a burr grinder, but I don't think it grinds coarse enough. Home roasting... sounds like a dark road.
Mickey Mouse rocks! :) Alexa is hooked on Playhouse Disney and gets upset when she can't watch it in the morning!
That is a super french press. Be careful, it's fragile :(
What a heavenly place to sit. :)
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