Thursday, December 20, 2007

Legs Full O' Lead....

We had our Christmas party here at work yesterday....I ate entirely too damn much:) Thee ride home was purdy slow going..... I took 3 safety breaks just to give me belly a break. Today is another good day to ride, though I'm taking it off too do some tinkering this afternoon. Making a stand for me welding table to go on that is a break down so it don't take up so much damn room. Another ski bike is being built, I have a Kokopelli chain sculpture in me head that I need to get out....amongst other goodies. I suggest you enjoy your day unless your pussy is hurting...then I'd suggest going home too suck on your man binkies:)

this would make for one badass tattoo....clicky to make big too really appreciate the artist.

Peace & Good Day


mattonne said...

I guess those ARE man binkies, I was confused but I'm feeling MUCH better now...

Justin said...

Brian, a guy at work is bringing me a nice pair of skis for the cause... I'll shoot out an email tonight for a ride/ski Monday morning 8.00am... ride or ski dependant on snow cover...

Anonymous said...

I will have two "units" for Noah and I to "ride" after Christmas. They should be delivered today or tomorrow. What do I mean by "units"? I am going to keep you in suspence until the next snow ride day. Let's hope it snows right after Christamas! We will be jones'in to get them out and ride!

gwadzilla said...

bicycle theme tattoo?

gwadzilla said...

those blinkies could stop traffic
maybe they could erase all of my errors on my spelling homework

bluecolnago said...

no shit! that would make one sweet tattoo....

merry christmas, brother!

bluecolnago said...

oh yeah, those binkies could poke your eyes out. be careful! :)

Anonymous said...

no riding for me again. sucks balls! but I gotta bolt to Gibby's winter party after my spin class.

saw chad riding by my office and my heart ached for my sweet bicycle lovins.

merry christmas my friend! my wheels shall roll wednesday . . . see you soon.

the mostly reverend said...

i know what i want for christmas...

and it's not a ski-bike!

[binkies! binkies!]