Thursday, November 15, 2007

No Wonder I Don't Have Any Sausage..

Saw 2 nice bucks with 2 doe's last shots they were at 50yrds in heavy cover. Sat in stand #2 this morning with deer moving around my stand at 5:50am....all I could see were bodies.....2 small doe came out at 7:30am....of course I waited to make the decision of actually taking a shot when the biggest one had just walked through the open 20yrd hole......once agian I tried to thread the needle through a tiny lane....hit a little branch....gave her a hair cut just over the back.....didn't really want to take her but I'm now in "Meat Mode"......back at it this afternoon.



Anonymous said...

Good luck, from what i've seen in the field and heard from other bow hunters is that deer movement slowed down considerably on Sunday and Monday as bucks were most likely shacked up with does. Should start moving more again today and this weekend.


Unknown said...

Don't know where you've been hunting but movement is far from slowing down on the public ground I hunt. Good Luck
