After leaving Grandmas house I headed into town (Chariton), stopped by the local gossup pub the Hurriback Bar too see who was doing deer sausage this year when the best news of the day came........KENNY NAILER is back in town.....he didn't move to Alaska after all. Kenny Nailer......who the fuck is that you ask....well mates he just happens to be the most country, mountain man mother fucker I know. If you said it couldn't be made with your bare two hands ole' Kenny would show you different and not even have to leave his home. Kenny is the Master Smoker in these parts, master buck skinner, master woodsman, master wood worker, master gun maker...yup he even makes his own custom guns, and the list could go on and on. Every time I go to Kennys place I wish I could stay for days, its just a learning center for how to do it yourself:) Upon finding this out it just happens to be that ole' Kenny is smoking Christmas turkeys today (32 turkeys, 15 chickens, 12 deer ham hawks with some baked beans, patatos and cabbage to be exact)....if there is ever a good time to be at Kennys its when the smoker is loaded up with meat.....cause there is always a country meal to be had.
Off to Kennys I go. Always good to get down home:)

This is Kennys shack, the two stacks in the sun light....yup thats the smoken room:)

Kenny temping the turkeys.....yup... 160 degrees and you have perfecion!!

This is Drew, my dads best freind and like an uncle to me, NOW THATS A SMOKER!!

Kenny cutting the smoke sacks off so we can get our grub on..

An old friend showed up to chow too...Steve Lenzine

Drew saying fuck you I'm drinking my dinner:) Funny story about Drew....before Teri (city girl) and I got married Drew pulled her over alone at the pub one night....looked straight into her eyes and said "if you hurt that boy I'm gonna come look'in for you and it ain't gonna be purdy"...Teri of course said that will never happen, but I'm sure she wasn't expecting that at all.
Hunting this morning.
if it EVER snows again, HERE'S your vehicle!!!
someone's put your idea into production...
see ya this weekend! y'all be safe!
sounds like you're off to a great holiday, squirrel. merry xmas to you and teri and the little one. :D
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