New skinz for the Bianchi along with bar tape....... .I finially took the damn STI shifters off:)
18 degrees with a 5 mph NW wind will make your boys go south......I think I rode in today with a vagina:) Its all good now though.....my manlyness has peaked back out...sorry just couldn't resist the plug for that photo again and of course the other one:) Now that Dragons are on me mind Teri and I go into Yankee Doodle Dandy's Tattoo Shop on the 16th for some more ink. I'll be getting another session on the Dragon, and Teri Sue will be getting Celtic MotherHood Knot on her left shoulder. Teri is very excited as I've gotten a few up on her since the pregnancy:) I'm so not ready to run in the Dirty Duathalon....I think I'm cramping thinking about running.
Peace & Good Day:)
c'mon... 4.5 miles??? you can knock that out backwards in hunting boots, right? :)
Hell Yeah Sydney....thats all I needed was some encouragment:)
technically speaking, aren't your boys going north?
you think dragon mule and paperclip clamdoodle are hooking up? There's a movie I'd watch..did Taz cover well enough to color over?
Frank- Dan says Taz will be covered up fine with our colors:)
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