a little fuzzy but you get it.

Thought I'd give chainsaw carving a go too, this may be two morrels, or a couple feathers with an Indian face....who knows....I don't but it will become something...perhaps even fire wood:)

Bianchi likes a little beer after a good workout too, even has her own little cup at the pit:) Just a little though.

Ah yes the fixie is back for good, check out the retro 80's TT bars that Coach Quixote hooked me up with. Damn thangs are so long laying a skid while laying on the bars is going to be fun trying:)
Plan on getting out this afternoon to check the trails and do some weed wacking in Denmans. Need to get my ass out and hang some tree stands for bow hunting.....tis just a couple of weeks away.....can you say...SAUSAGE:)!! Lots of race'n this weekend and can you believe that rain is in the forcast....this has been the year of mud race'n...oh well I'm done for the year need to stay close to home now. Good luck to all you mother fuckers in Nebraska and Iowa:)
my fixie got a make over this am
mustache bars and some cross tires
it will stay on the pavement
the tires were just too narrow for my cross tastes
my fat ass
due date?
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