Thursday, August 17, 2006

2hr. Tour

Last nights 2hr tour at the Center with the Taco Crew was good.....a fast pace was needed by me legs after 4 days off the bike:) Now we have a shit pot full of rain coming down for today and tomorrow, looks like the Fugi Monterey is coming out for some play time sport'n da fenders:) Planned on hitting Boone this weekend, like early Sunday morning for most of the day if trails are not soup.....I'll have to call Tellinghuisen. Started me liquid diet of Sustained Energy and HEED with the ride last night. Every ride from now on till after the race I'll be using these products so I can break the body in. later:)



Neve_r_est said...

Nice choice in fuels. A tip for ya, if you mix those two in a blender they will stay mixed a heck of a lot longer, overnite even. Also gets rid of the grittyness that Sustained tends to have.

Jeff Kerkove said...

I'll 2nd your mixture. It's all good until about 18 hours into your effort when you start to crave real food.

