Monday, May 08, 2006

IMBCS #3 Low Down:)

First thing........ these two bad ass mo-fo's, Buchanandale, and Mr. 24 Kerkove with some other mates whom I don't personaly know names of deserve a huge THANKS for a great event. Awesome course even with it being shortend.

The Day:
Wild Bill showed up at 7am for our 2.5 hr. drive to Waverly. Once there we unloaded, signed up with the usaul BS'ing with our like minded mates. I lost Billy somewhere in the mingling so I suited up and went out for a little putt-putt of the course to see how much of it would be climbing. I most likly went in for a couple miles with a few climbs in that distance that I had no problem in making so I decided to just turn around and go do some more BS'ing, leaving the rest of the course and the "Rock Garden to be unseen:) Made it back to the parking lot around 10:40 with the race starting at 11:05, went and grabed a tall boy of Bud heavy to get me carb loading go on a little early as I expected to just get my ass handed to me with the little riding I've been able to do lately. (:PETEY DON'T EVEN GO THERE!:)

We line up to the start, I ask rather loudly of whom wants dibs on the cluster fuck that is going to happen as soon as we hit the single track. My plan was too be some where in the top 5 folks hitting the single track as no doubt in my mind someone was going to eat shit within the first hundred feet and create a jam:) After the race Chuck Hilsenbeck came up and told me he was the one:) Doooh! I hung with Dominic Moraniec (geared mate) and Todd Gillihan (lead SS'r) as long as I could which was some where right before the gravel climb, I was going to blow my waud if I kept that pace:) I slowed down a bit, looking around we'd created a good gap as I couldn't see anybody else with in eye site behind me. I start to wonder where DQ is at.....oh well. Paced the rest of the race feeling good, pulling a couple wheelies for pixs. just goofing around and sitt'n happy in 2nd. Last lap I lost my chian in the pines and got passed by a couple other sport riders while dicking with it.....damn it. Pretty much coasted the rest of the way in just ringing my bell at mates:) Going to this race was a spur of the moment deal and I'm glad I went. Sure as hell need to get my ass on the saddle alot more though...... oh well.... when life gets hard, you have to change.

Rob Verstegh and I warming up conversation

talking smack with the boys

all alone.....



T-bone said...

Platte Marathon this weekend, Lewis & Clark XC the one after. You going to make it to any of these?

cvo said...

yeah, dude,
come and get yer medicine,,,

uh, that is a fat tire 6er on my if you show...

Unknown said...

I'll be at Lewis and Clark fo sho!! Might just make a weekend of it and hit Manawa and anywhere else we could get a tour of:)
